Sunday, March 22, 2009

Clearance Sale / Yard Sale

Wow! What a busy weekend! My best friends, Yarnale & Valarie, and my sis-in-law, Lori had a huge garage sale this weekend! I also clearanced out some out inventory. We had a great time and it was a huge success. I am planning a repeat of this sale the 1st weekend of May ~ which is Frontier Days here in Breckenridge. I will post more details soon. But I plan to open a portion of my store in one room and continue the sale in another. We were exhausted, but it really was a lot of fun! I took the camera to take pics but it was the very end of the sale before we remembered. I don't know about them - but I don't think I would have posted those pics - we were beat, lol!


Anonymous said...

Love your layout!!!!

Jim @ said...

Garage sales are great for clearing out some things you no longer want, making a little money, and having fun with your friends and/or family. As someone told me, if you can sell some of the old stuff it clears room and provides a little money to get something new!